Pokemon: The First Movie Review


Pokemon: The First Movie Review

By Alec R. Lee

First of all: goddamn it. I never wanted to review this movie in the first place. Hell, I’m not even a big Pokemon fan anymore. But I keep getting drawn to rant a little more and give my traffic ratings a little boost while I wait for new releases in the theaters. (What? I can be selfish too.) Who knows? This might be a good way to pass the time for all of the six people who actually read my posts. (I tip my hat to you!)

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Pokemon: Genesect and the Legend Awakened Review


Pokemon: Genesect and the Legend Awakened Review

By Alec R. Lee

I’ll start off by saying that this was not what I originally intended. I was originally very content with posting my Movie Snobberys on Facebook. They were concise and clear and people seemed to like them. All of that changed when I saw this movie last week when it premiered. I had this urge to rant against this movie in a long tirade, longer than a Facebook post. Initially, I was going to make a video with me interlacing an audio track over clips of the movie (a la Rifftrax). However, the clips that I could get off the internet could not work well with my software so I had to abandon the idea. That was annoying. I had a whole script written and all of my audio was recorded, only for it to go to waste. But, I did recall this invention called a “blog.” I had never had a blog before but now seemed the perfect time to create one. The idea stuck and now we shall see where it gets me in the future. Continue reading